Preeti Narayanan

Pet 'Quality of Life' Expert

Preeti has been working with dogs for more than three decades now. She began by volunteering at shelters as a teenager and got into the world of dog shows. After quitting her 9-7 corporate career she decided to dive in full time, into the doggie world. 

She was one of the few breeders breeding wire-hair dachshunds and Irish Setters but has since discontinued due to non-availability of health tested gene pools to better her lines. Preeti then moved to providing pet services

Preeti credits Dr.Pawan and Dr. Ramesh from Cessna Lifeline for changing the course of her life by training her to become a vet nurse. She worked with Cessna for 6 years in the surgical and in patient units before embarking on her current entrepreneurial ventures.

Presently, she runs a grooming salon at Wag-ville, Bangalore, designs and makes games for dogs at Happy Tailz and works as a consultant trainer at Anvis. Her entire family supports and helps her in her work and her younger daughter, Arya, now 12, has been working with her, training and grooming dogs for years now. Together they are now exploring the world of horses from learning to ride to their medical needs and handling!